Friday, 7 March, 2025

How to Choose the Best Watch for You: a Short Beginner’s Guide

Watches today are mainly considered fashion accessories. In fact, many watch owners don’t even use them to tell the time!

There is a rich offer full of beautiful watches, so today’s true fashionista has a watch for every kind of style. The biggest challenge is not to find a good one, Swiss watches are all great timepieces, but how to get the right one for you.

Today we are going to show you the 4 main things to keep in mind when choosing the perfect watch for your wrist.

Size Matters

When it comes to watches size does well and truly matter. Not so much for the function or price of the watch, but for how it looks on your wrist.

You might have noticed the latest trend for bigger watches. And that might be something you have been considering too. Just keep in mind that you should always go for a watch that is proportional to your wrist.

Why? Because as humans, we value getting things in proportion. They look better and feel “right” to us.

So, if you have dainty wrists then don’t go for a huge watch. And likewise, the bigger your wrists, the stranger a small watch will look on you.

But, how do you choose the right size? Well, the simplest way is to head to a watch shop and try a few on. Figure out what looks good to you, and what looks…well, wrong.

If you want to know about sizes to help buy something online, it gets more challenging. Women’s watches at their smallest are in the 26-29mm range (that about an inch or so, but measured in metric, in case you are wondering). So, if you have a small wrist, start with that size, and then anything larger is, well, larger of course. Here is a handy chart to show you, in proportion to an inch, what each size will look like.

Watch Strap Types

After you have picked the size, one of the biggest deciders in how to choose the best watch for you is the strap.

A typical watch will have either a metal or a leather strap. And there are certainly a lot of pros and cons of each of those strap kinds for sure. However, in terms of style, leather tends to be not only more classic but suits a lot more outfits too.

Metal also tends to be far heavier to wear, and it looks heavier too. But, if you are heading out to a very classy event, metal straps give you that shine that works really well with any other jewelry you may be wearing. That is something leather just can’t do with the same shine.

If you wear your watch for sport or more casually, then there are other options too. For example, rubber is great for getting wet or sweaty. Nylon or canvas gives you lots of options in terms of color. Anyway, though obvious, one great way to extend the life of your watch, in terms of what you can wear it with, is to change the band a lot.

Watch Functions

This one may seem a little irrelevant, but the things a watch can do play a big role in choosing a watch – even if it’s just for style.

Watches have been stretched to their limits when it comes to their functionality, and the Swiss watchmakers are still leading the race. This resulted in some classic designs you may have seen but never managed to put a name to.

Dive Watch: This is the watch with the numbered ring (aka bezel) around the outside and was made famous by the Rolex Submariner. This is a typical style watch for men but is quite heavy-looking for most women.

Chronograph: If you want all those fancy little dials on the inside of your watch face, the chronograph is what you are looking for. Designed to help the armed forces and also to just use as a stopwatch, the end result is a stunning-looking watch.

Day Date: Another area watchmakers have been busy is adding calendars to watches. The classic is the Day or Day Date, where a little number or number/day combo is shown on the face (usually at the 3 o’clock position, but not always). This is also another way to add style to your watch.

GMT: The GMT is another style you may see around (although usually only on more expensive watches). It has two sets of hands to help you keep time in two locations around the world. It’s a great option for travelers.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to watches. I won’t even get started with Smart Watches, which is a whole other level.

Watch Movements

The words “watch movement” may sound a little weird to you if you are not a watch freak. The movement is the thing that drives the hands of a watch. It helps keep time and ensures accuracy.

Years ago, watches were always mechanical (gears) but in the late 60s / early 70s, the Japanese completely changed the watch world with the invention of the Quartz watch movement. You wouldn’t even know it now, but back then this was huge.

Quartz watch movements are insanely accurate and super cheap. They blew the Swiss watchmakers out of the water! So, these days, you will mostly find quartz movements on lower-end watches. Mechanical movements are just too expensive.

What does this all mean for you and your style? Well, quartz watches are super-thin compared to mechanical ones. As a result, they are great for looking more slender on your wrist.

But, they use batteries. So, you need to change them every few years, normally.

Mechanical movements are far more classy and typically showpieces people spend a whole months salary on. They are usually thicker and heavier, and sometimes don’t even require winding (if it is an automatic watch that winds from your arms movement). If you get a really nice one, they sometimes come with see-through backs too (and partial fronts) which can really grab attention!

Summing It All Up

That was a lot of information, I know, learning how to choose the best watch for you can be far more difficult than most people give it credit for.

If you are looking for a new watch anytime soon, just keep these 4 things in mind:

  • how big do you want to go (and can go compared to your wrist)
  • what kind of strap do you want – metal, leather, or rubber (keeping in mind you can use swapped-out straps)
  • how do you want the face to look (simple, dive style, complex with dials, etc.)
  • what kind of movement (a matter of money, battery, and thickness)

Once you have narrowed that down, it is just a matter of taste!

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